Mankind’s understanding of the benefits of hydrotherapy, and the use of water in all its forms, has been around as long as we have. It’s one of the basic methods of treatment used in natural medicine and the benefits are wide-ranging, including cardiovascular and respiratory functions, as well as the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
Although hot tubs have long been known for their ability to soothe and relax aching muscles and treat physical conditions, it’s less known that hydrotherapy can play a vital part in treating mental health too.
In our busy and stress-filled world, it’s important we take the time to look after our minds, as well as our bodies. Too often, people find it difficult to share their mental health concerns, and just carry on rather than seek support. It’s estimated that a quarter of the UK population will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year, and one person in six will report an issue such as depression or anxiety every week.
Of course we’re not claiming that hot tubs are a miracle cure, however treatment through regular sessions are proven to have a positive effect on people who suffer from a whole range of conditions, and it re-energises mental health and wellbeing.
Reducing stress and anxiety
Relaxing in a warm hot tub increases blood flow and our breathing becomes more relaxed. This leads to an increase in the levels of our “happy” hormones in our brain, dopamine and serotonin, whilst also lowers the “stress-related” hormones cortisol and epinephrine. Chronic stress puts your health at a tremendous risk, so the re-balancing of these hormones is incredibly beneficial in the battle against stress, anxiety and depression.

A deeper, better sleep
People who suffer from anxiety often experience disrupted sleep and insomnia, which can be a burden on your physical and mental well-being. Regular use of a hot tub encourages sleep patterns to once again become deeper and remain undisturbed.
The hot tub’s warm water naturally raises your body’s core temperature and on leaving the hot tub, the body then cools down again. This copies the natural body temperature changes we go through before and during sleep. So, as the body cools on leaving the hot tub, it enters a state similar to sleeping, telling the brain that it’s close to bedtime. Enjoying a better sleep is a great way to lower stress levels, so the continued use of a hot tub use can be a great benefit to your well-being.
The Earth Spas hot tub range has been conceived, designed and manufactured with a focus on enhancing wellbeing in every aspect. With a range of features that come as standard, a unique warranty package and the option to upgrade the outstanding Eco Smart73 energy-saving heat pump, you can rest assured that your wellbeing is Earth Spas number one priority.
Please note: It’s also extremely important to follow the guidance of a doctor or therapist if you are treating any condition.
The Earth Spas range was designed with a vision, to offer a healthy, fulfilling experience that enriches people’s lives.
Darren Waters,
Director of Earth Spas