Glencoe puts the Earth Spas hot tub range in a world all of its own

With the recent unveiling of the impressive Glencoe, the latest addition to the Earth Spas range of hot tubs, the ultimate spa session is waiting for just about any customer. Glencoe, like the previous models, has been inspired by the world’s truly breathtaking landmarks, and reflects the importance that inner wellbeing and our environment are […]
Mindfulness, wellbeing and the therapeutic power of Earth Spas hot tubs

Mankind’s understanding of the benefits of hydrotherapy, and the use of water in all its forms, has been around as long as we have. It’s one of the basic methods of treatment used in natural medicine and the benefits are wide-ranging, including cardiovascular and respiratory functions, as well as the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Although […]
Want to save up to 73% on the running costs of an Earth Spas hot tub?

Introducing Eco Smart73, the environmentally friendly solution for regulating water temperature for hot tub owners. It’s a system that can dramatically reduce running costs and contribute to protecting planet Earth, and with energy prices soaring there has never been a better time to look at an alternative technology for heating AND cooling your hot tub. […]